academic Publications
Wu, F., Lakhanpal, S., Li, Q., Lee, K., Kim, D., Chae, H., & Kwon, K.H. (2024). Not all Asians are the same: A disaggregated approach to identifying anti-asian racism in social media. WWW’24, May 13—17, Singapore, Singapore.
Kwon, K. H., Vera-Phillips, K., Moon, Y.E., Shao, C., & Xu W. W. (2024). Credible, but not for me: Immigrant folk theories of news trust in Chinese, Korean, and Filipino communities in the US. Journalism Practice. Published Online.
Li, Q., Shao, C., Walker, S., & Kwon, K.H. (2024). Gun control agendas in networked digital environment: An intermedia comparison between activism websites, news outlets, and ephemeral media. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 101(1), 127-155
Shao, C., Kwon, H., Walker, S., Li, Q. (2023). One conspiracy theory, more conspiracy theories? Dynamic analysis of conspiratorial narratives on Twitter during the pandemic. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(5), 338-345
Kwon, K. H., Shao, C., Walker, S., Vinay, T. (2022). Mobilizing consensus on Facebook: Networked framing of the U.S. gun-control movement on Facebook. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS, pp.3232-3241), January 4—7, Hawaii, USA .
MIDAS Lab (2024). Blurred Lines: When Immigrants Conflate News Stories and Propaganda.
Disinformation Task Force (2024). Defending American Democracy in the Digital Age: Recommendations Report. McCain Institute and Cronkite School for Journalism and Mass Communication (MIDaS Lab contributed).
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